2012-6-17 E316 |
It can be used for 0Cr18Ni12Mo2 stainless equipment which works in the organic acid and inorganic acid(non-oxidative acid ). It also can be applied to dissimilar steel welding.
Recommended parameters:
Φ1.2Current (A):180-200Voltage (V):27-28
2012-6-17 E316L |
E316L is used for welding equipment of urea and synthetic fibre industry and also suitable for the same type of stainless steel structure. It is good for compound steel, special-shaped steel and chromium stainless steel which can not be heat-treate...
2012-6-17 E347L |
This product is a low carbine stainless steel flux-cored wire, applies to type 18%Cr-8%Ni-Nb,18%Cr-8%Ni-Ti low carbine stainless steel’s welding. The Niobium in the product can resist intergranular corrosion caused by carbide precipitation du...
2012-6-17 E410T |
E410T is used for welding 13%Cr martensitic stainless steel and it also suitable for surfacing welding gas, water and steam pipeline valve seal surface in 450∩ high temperature.
Recommended parameters:
Φ1.2Current (A):180-200Voltage (V):27...
2012-7-17 E410NiMo |
martensiticstainlesssteelanditalsosuitable forsurfacingweldinggas,