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2012-6-17    E316
     It can be used for 0Cr18Ni12Mo2 stainless equipment which works in the organic acid and inorganic acid(non-oxidative acid ). It also can be applied to dissimilar steel welding. Recommended parameters: Φ1.2Current (A):180-200Voltage (V):27-28 &P...
2012-6-17    E316L
     E316L is used for welding equipment of urea and synthetic fibre industry and also suitable for the same type of stainless steel structure. It is good for compound steel, special-shaped steel and chromium stainless steel which can not be heat-treate...
2012-6-17    E347L
     This product is a low carbine stainless steel flux-cored wire, applies to type 18%Cr-8%Ni-Nb,18%Cr-8%Ni-Ti low carbine stainless steel’s welding. The Niobium in the product can resist intergranular corrosion caused by carbide precipitation du...
2012-6-17    E410T
     E410T is used for welding 13%Cr martensitic stainless steel and it also suitable for surfacing welding gas, water and steam pipeline valve seal surface in 450∩ high temperature. Recommended parameters: Φ1.2Current (A):180-200Voltage (V):27...
2012-7-17    E410NiMo
    E410NiMoisusedforwelding13%Cr-Nicaststeel, martensiticstainlesssteelanditalsosuitable forsurfacingweldinggas, waterandsteampipelinevalvesealsurfaceinallposition.
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